
I love music. I love the rhythm in the sound. I love the way it makes me feel. Music is one of my favorite forms of art. The way you can connect with the lyrics and feel the song. The way you can connect with the artist singing the songs. It can heighten and even validate the emotions that you are feeling.

I grew up listening to One Direction and loving all the members in the band. Something about their music always made me feel alive. And because of that, I started to fall in love with all of their personalities, too. Even now, when I listen to it, I feel so much nostalgia and that same alive feeling.

You can never go wrong throwing on some headphones and feeling a song. Another artist that I also grew up with whose music is still a huge part of me is Taylor Swift. Man, she is amazing'; her songs are extremely relatable. Whenever I listen to her songs, I feel recognized and understood. It’s a nice feeling knowing that someone else is going through things like I am.



