Why I Loved SS

That’s a great thing to think about. 

The sport itself was introduced to me at such a young age. I started synchronized swimming at seven years old. Initially, when I started, I knew so much love would come out of it. Love of memories made, love for the friends I made, and love for myself and committing to sport. Even when I started to feel burnt out from the sport, I stayed because of the family I had built with my teammates; it was what came along with my participation in the sport that made me so happy. The relationships that grew out of the sport are ones that I still have to this day. 

The memories I created with my teammates also made me love the sport. To this day, some of my favorite memories originate during times I was at practice, competitions, heck even in hotel rooms my teammates and I would share. As I continued to swim, and the older I got, the sport held onto a piece of my inner child. Nostalgia is what it was. 

And I loved swimming because it brought me some inner peace; when we had finished a hard practice and worked ourselves as hard as we could, I experienced an unmatched sense of inner satisfaction, a sense that I’d given my all and deserved time and space to reset and refresh myself.


Trying out VB


Why I Left SS