
As adrenaline courses through my veins, I stare at the stage, awaiting my favorite artist to be raised from underneath the stage. And then, within seconds, he is standing there, and everything feels like slow motion. The music only accentuates the adrenaline as I hear the first beats of his first song. As Golden begins to play and the screams around the venue only grow louder and louder, I feel at home. Shouting lyrics with complete strangers and smiling my biggest smile, concerts make me feel alive. The ambiance of it all is so captivating. Knowing that everyone in the room is there to see the same person we admire is truly an in-explainable feeling. Hearing the songs I had been listening to for years through busted headphones would never justify the pure vocals of hearing your favorite artist live. There is something so unique and freeing about being in a space where you can scream, dance, cry, smile, laugh, and feel all things at once. There is only one artist I have seen live who allows me to be my true self in the room he performs in. And that is Harry Styles. Whenever I am at a Harry concert, I feel the most at home, and free I have ever felt. The environment that is created at the venues Harry plays at is surreal. It is so accepting and filled with love. Striking up a conversation with another Harry Styles enthusiast is so easy and fulfilling. His charisma and vocals on stage truly put to justice the fantastic artist he is. Going with friends makes the experience even better. When I go with my friends, the memories we make are unforgettable. The experience in itself is what I like to call a masterpiece of aliveness. Making memories and hearing your favorite artist alive with your best friends is the best feeling ever. I highly recommend that you see Harry Styles live. Regardless if you have listened to his music, he knows how to make everyone have an amazing time. In a sea of thousands, we all share a connection. And there in front of us is the light that shines so bright with a sincere smile. In this limited time, our happiness reaches an all-time high. And when we leave the room, the proof of our shared night lies in pictures and memories. I will always be grateful to have seen Harry Styles in concert because he knows how to make his friends feel at home. Concerts are the best forms of entertainment for me because they make me feel alive. 

